山羊在饲喂含有炼制生物柴油的花生饼日粮后的摄食行为和生理参数 输出PDF 打印
编辑: 贺善云    2015-10-14

巴伊亚联邦大学兽医和动物科学学院的Silva TM, Oliveira RL等学者对山羊在饲喂含有炼制生物柴油的花生饼日粮后的摄食行为和生理参数进行了研究,他们的研究具体如下。设计实验对山羊的摄食行为和生理参数进行评估,在实验中,山羊被限制饲喂花生饼代替豆粕的饲粮。

实验选用了40只具有四分之三波尔血统的未去势山羊,平均年龄为5个月,平均初始体重为15.6±2.7公斤。实验处理方法是用不同浓度水平的花生饼代替精料中的豆粕(0.0%33.33%66.67%100%)。实验设计是完全随机的,四个处理,每个处理水平设置十个重复。为了评价摄食行为,在3天中24小时内每5分钟观测同一处理动物。在09:0015:00时评估动物生理上的反应(呼吸速率;心率;由直肠温度计获得的直肠温度;以及体表温度)。花生饼替代豆粕并未改变动物摄食行为(P>0.05)。但动物的生理参数有所改变(P < 0.05  );然而,生理参数的变化似乎与日粮无关,而是受到天气条件的影响。由此他们得出了结论,花生饼可以


Ingestive behavior and physiological parameters of goats fed diets containing peanut cake from biodiesel

Silva TM1Oliveira RL2do Nascimento Júnior NG1de Pellegrini CB1Trajano JD1Rocha TC1Bezerra LR3Borja MS1

AbstractThe experiment was conducted to evaluate the ingestive behavior and physiological parameters of confined goats fed peanut cake instead of soybean meal in their feed. We used 40 goats that were ¾ Boer, uncastrated, and 5 months of age on average, with an average initial weight of 15.6±2.7 kg. The treatments consisted of diets with different levels of peanut cake replacing soybean meal in the concentrate (0.0, 33.33, 66.67, and 100 %). The experimental design was completely randomized, with four treatments and ten repetitions. For the evaluation of feeding behavior, single animals were observed every 5 min for 24 h on 3 days. The physiological responses (respiratory rate; heart rate; rectal temperature, obtained with a rectal thermometer; and surface temperature) of the animals were evaluated at 09:00 and 15:00 h. The replacement of soybean meal with peanut cake did not change (P>0.05) feeding behavior. The physiological parameters of the animals (P<0.05) were altered; however, the changes appeared to be unrelated to the diet and to be due to the weather conditions. Peanut cake can replace soybean meal at 100 % without causing negative effects on the feeding behavior or physiological parameters of confined ¾ Boer goats.

Keywords: Ethology, Goat, Methodology, Socialization



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